Monday, October 4, 2010

The Re-Grand Opening of My Blogging Career

Ah nyeong ha se yo and welcome to my life story. Allow me to introduce your narrator, moi. My name is of no importance but you may call me Rommie. Our story begins many moons ago, on that fateful Wednesday morning. All my life I had been different, always taking interest in the bizarre, the frightful, and the mystical. I was what some people would consider "cursed" with a split home but it honestly, never phased me. I had always been a unique independent individual who learned from others' mistakes to avoid making them herself. I never received the amount of affection and attention I truly yearned for and perhaps that's why I'm the person I am today. I suppose this blog is a preamble to my cyber symphony so, I will try to enlighten you, the reader, of all you should know to better understand my madness. I enjoy many things and dislike many things, as do all. I've been told I am gifted in the arts (i.e. music, drawing/painting, photography, digital art, writing, etc.), I'm hardly a technical person; as my profile says," I am the right side of the brain." and this describes me to the finish. I enjoy all sorts of music; I'm very open-minded. I am not afraid to voice my opinion and have been considered persuasive and logical. Note: My morals and values aren't the mainstream, so be prepared. I realize this entry is stricken with bore and I assure you my first entry is the most professional I will be writing.

...Signing Off...

1 comment:

  1. Hey I heard about your blog from my French class:D I decided to create a blog because your blog inspired me of it's awesomeness^.^. And I was wondering if I could get your advice on how to use a blog?:)
    -Kristen aka CuriousDuckie;D
